Friday, February 21, 2020

All the description are in the attachments Essay

All the description are in the attachments - Essay Example There is a discrepancy between the 1776 July 4th independent America and the current America. The writer’s arguments are persuasive since; for instance, he asserts that America in July 4th 1776 was composed of farmers. In contrast, in the current time, Americans live in metropolitan and residential areas. He continues to mention that a minority of Americans living today are descendants of the founding fathers and the slaves who were alive in 1776, whereas, the majority of Americans originated from Germany, Ireland, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Furthermore, Krugman continues to assert that American society is full of hypocrisy (Krugman 2). In my essay, I feel that I have brought out the thesis statement in an explicit manner. In addition, I have identified the points that strongly support my thesis statement, through identifying the discrepancy that arises when the 1776 July 4th independent America is compared to the current America. I could improve my essay by adding more reasons that support my thesis statement. In essence, I will use the reasons to justify how the act of Americans celebrating July 4th does not correspond with what the founding fathers considered as

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Primary Education Idenification of 3 targets associated with pedagogy Essay

Primary Education Idenification of 3 targets associated with pedagogy in prepartion for 8 week teaching experience in a mainstream primary setting - Essay Example The analysis will be done in presenting the implications that these three teaching targets may have on the practitioner. It well know that circle time is "a group activity in which any number of people (although anything up to about twenty is most practical) sit down together with the purpose of furthering understanding of themselves and of one another." Usually the practitioners engage in this sort of normal activity with the purpose of "building bridges", enhancing the dialogue between teachers and students or among the students themselves. According to teachers net, this technique that practitioners undertake seems to work for elementary and secondary students, but the practitioner needs to pay attentions to the cases when the circle time does not works and "avoid pitfalls". "A Circle time has known a lot history and since that ... It is not the place for judgment or coercion. It provides an opportunity to learn and explore through the discussion of experiences and individuality ". The use of circle time must be employed in such a way that the practitioner does not overuse it and is aware of the children's needs (for example, there are "no barriers" among the participants). Also, when working in circle time the teacher must set up certain rules for the circle time to functions. Such rules are "only one person is to speak at any one time", as well as avoiding embarrassing subjects and respecting one another. There are many ways in which circle time can affect the practioner. Specifically, during that time the teacher is creating a new environment in which the children are the leaders, and the teacher's role comes second, unless he or she is required to intervene. In addition to that, the teacher should be able to "demonstrate the skills of emotional awareness"; that is to show who he or she is and to set the role model for the entire class. At the same time, there are issues that a practitioner must be aware of such as identifying if time is spent inefficiently, and finding ways to deal with that (for example creating more space in the circle); or showing sensitivity where matters of "disclosure or confidentiality are concerned" ( for instance, a child's health or personal issue). Furthermore, the teacher must deal with whatever resources are available and try to do the best of it. Benefits such as the following have emerged from using the circle time: "Increased levels of self-motivation among pupils Enhanced communication between pupils and between pupils and staff Greater social and community awareness